Author: salvationsp

The “Workout Of The Day” Is Failing You

It’s pretty common to walk into a CrossFit gym, or any other knock-off high intensity gym, and see workouts written in complete randomness and then asked to perform them either “for time” or as an “AMRAP.” This is known as task or time priority. You’re given a task to do and told to perform it […]

Tips For MURPH Coming Off of Quarantine

Alright, most gyms have been shut down for 8 or more weeks due to Coronavirus, but it looks like things are slowly creeping back to normal just in time for Memorial Day. It’s tradition in most CrossFit gyms to perform the workout “Murph” on this day as a way to honor LT. Michael Murphy and […]

How to Apply Training Principles to a Bodyweight Only Program

Alright, things are crazy right now and many of us are struggling to maintain our exercise programs due to lack of resources. For many of you who were members of a fitness facility before the quarantine, this time can be especially hard because you were so accustomed to using certain pieces of equipment to help […]

The Salvation Client

The Salvation Client We will come out and say without any hesitation that Salvation is not for everyone. Salvation clients come from many different backgrounds, but they have some significant similarities that draw them to us. In the process of identifying who we serve, we must look deeper and identify why and how we serve […]

How To Start CrossFit The Right Way

How To Start CrossFit The Right Way With the rise of CrossFit over the past decade there is now a plethora of gyms popping up trying to take people in and get them “fit” via CrossFit’s definition. Sadly, many of these gyms are just looking to take their clients’ money and then get them hot, […]

What is Salvation?

What is Salvation? Let’s lay out some facts. It is human nature to try to stay comfortable. It is not natural to push yourself outside of your comfort zone and away from mediocrity, and it is especially not common to have the discipline to do it on a daily basis. Many people allow themselves to […]